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Police Drug Test Experiment: Heroin or Head Pill?

The Home Office's response was that they had "their own considerations". What they are, however, is not clear

Aug 23, 2024 20:47 119

Police Drug Test Experiment: Heroin or Head Pill?  - 1

BNT conducted an experiment in which an active driver suffering from migraines regularly took a headache pill and at the same time drove. For this purpose, field tests were purchased from the official importer for Bulgaria, from which the Ministry of the Interior buys the tests with which it tests suspicious drivers on the road.

What is the difference between 3000 and 5000 generation field tests?

"The difference is that with "Drugtest" 5,000, which are used in the national police, these samples are recorded there, the data is stored, there are already up to 8 groups of narcotic substances", explained Radko Kolev from "Dreger". - Bulgaria.

Is there any difference in the chemical composition of the tests themselves?

"No. No".

Could it be said that the field test 3000 can be compared as a result to what it would show us if we were tested by police officers with the tests that are 5000?

"Yes. But the main thing to know is the two types of tests - these are some control, preliminary tests. The evidentiary test is the blood sample.

BNT has asked the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Interior to conduct a blood test for the purpose of this experiment. The Military Hospital told them to find another laboratory, and the Ministry of the Interior categorically refused. To the question - with what argument? The Home Office's response was that they had "their own considerations". However, what they are is not clear.

The team tests the subject of the experiment before taking the medication with a field drug test and urine that he gives to a drug test laboratory.

"There is research in Canada that the saliva method and our test come closer than 97% to the accuracy of the blood sample, but following the manufacturer's instructions.

The result is negative. Absolutely all the lines are in place.

"Now let's see what happens when I take the pills for my head".

30 minutes after taking the drug, the driver again gives urine to the laboratory for a drug test. Pain medication is freely available without a prescription. It can be taken up to 8 tablets per day. The leaflet says it's not a problem for driving unless you get dizzy.

"Let's see what it reports".

"From what we see here, this test is definitely positive for me having used an opiate.

It's interesting to see what the statistics are about what percentage of drug positives actually are, and what proportion of them after a blood test show that the cause of the result is a pain medication, for example.

"Because it happens to me quite often that I take my pills and get behind the wheel".

Another interesting fact is - the police union some time ago rose up against the policemen being tested because... Surprise! There were many false positive tests. And more - are the conditions for storing the tests fulfilled?

"We constantly do training with them. Constantly. And the emphasis is on this thing. This is the main thing when taking and working with these tests - to follow these instructions for storing the tests before using them", said Radko Kolev from "Dreger"-Bulgaria.

"I don't want to be without a car. Nice experiment worked out".