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A new fire around the villages along the Bulgarian-Turkish border

In the village of Krainovo, where the fire destroyed 15 houses a month ago, they have been warned to evacuate

Aug 23, 2024 21:10 156

Another fire around the villages along the Bulgarian-Turkish border. 12 teams of the fire department and foresters are fighting the fire, which is still not under control due to the strong wind.

In the village of Krainovo, where the big fire destroyed 15 houses a month ago, they have been warned to evacuate. This was summarized by bTV.

The fire broke out yesterday between the village of Krainovo and the village of Golyam Dervent. Although it is far from the villages, the night is sleepless for the people.

„Only that the whole village didn't burn, half of it did, and now if he comes from there, he'll do it again. If it turns, I have to evacuate people. I can't stand – nothing, it's far, he can come here in an hour”, explains Angelina Vasileva, deputy mayor of the village of Krainovo.

The fire is low-lying and in rugged terrain and therefore difficult to extinguish. Several firefighting and forestry teams have been on the ground since last night.

„It should be added that there is a strong wind that makes the fire uncontrollable and difficult to control. .In the previous fires, a clearing was made so that it would not reach the village of Golyam Dervent, the fire trucks are located on this clearing,” commented Nikolay Kostadinov, Yambol regional governor.

The neighboring villages are ready to help if the fire comes closer.

„When the bell rings, everything starts. In the forest, I don't know how they put it out, they can't get in there”, Dinko is categorical.

According to the mayor of the village of Kraynovo, hours before the fire there was an air raid for illegal migrants – one of the possible causes of the fire.

„ It could be from migrants, it could be that the fire started from somewhere else, we cannot say the reason, but suddenly the fire started”, says Angelina Vasileva.

A thousand acres of forest and low vegetation are affected. At the moment, there is no danger of the fire crossing the border with Turkey.