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Mikhail Mikov: It is too much to expect that the BSP will win the next elections. At least have a good result

The left has an interest in a heightened campaign, in highlighting the differences during the campaign. It is important for her to come out with sharp positions. And not smear with a charlatan and then embrace each other in order to form a government and rub shoulders in power, commented the former chairman of the BSP

Sep 5, 2024 19:34 91

Mikhail Mikov: It is too much to expect that the BSP will win the next elections. At least have a good result  - 1

"The left has an interest in an intensified campaign, in emphasizing differences during the campaign. It is important for her to come out with sharp positions. And not smear with charlan and then embrace each other to form a government and rub shoulders in power. This was stated by the former chairman of the BSP, Mihail Mikov, in the program “The Live Day” on NovaNews.
It is too much to expect that BSP will win the next elections. At least there should be a good result that would give some perspective to the left political space, he also said. The creation of the broad left alliance – “BSP - United Left” is expected news, believes Mikov.

In his words, DPS and BSP have gotten into a huge adventure “with the improvisations in their party statutes”. “The BSP still do not have the courage to say that they do not have the power for direct elections. Zhan Videnov, Alexander Lilov, myself – we all left the party and there was no problem. Now, parallel to the elections, there will be a campaign for the direct election of the president, explained the former chairman of the party.

As a former minister of the interior, he stated that soon it will not be possible to elect another composition of the SJC and that the decision for this body to elect a chief prosecutor is correct.