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Prof. Ivan Ilchev: The unification was an adventurous act

"The unification is an extremely positive act, but it also has very serious consequences for Bulgarian politics," he said

Sep 6, 2024 20:07 117

Prof. Ivan Ilchev: The unification was an adventurous act  - 1

„The entire act of the Unification of the Principality Bulgaria and Eastern Rumelia was adventurous. This was stated by Prof. Ivan Ilchev, former rector of the "Kliment Ohridski" University, a member of the mixed Bulgarian-Macedonian commission on historical issues in the "Day of the Live" program. p>

„Unification is an extremely positive act, but it also has very serious consequences for Bulgarian politics," said Prof. Ilchev.

According to Prof. Ilchev, not everyone accepts the Unification. Some ministers turn out to be quite ordinary people, he recalled. “Plovdiv in 1885 was a more cultural city than Sofia, with a much more diverse life. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was already two times smaller than Sofia," said the former rector of Sofia University, "St. Kliment Ohridski".

For the positive results of the Unification, he gave an example that in 1885, Bulgaria increased its territory by nearly 50% in one fell swoop. "For Serbia to increase its territory, it needs nearly 40 years, Romania is waiting 20 years for the annexation of Northern Dobrudja. Bulgaria increased its territory 6 years after the establishment of the Principality,”, the historian explained.