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Minister Tsokov: Curricula need to be cut by 30%

This year we provided free textbooks for all students from grades 1 to 12 for general education preparation

Sep 16, 2024 11:25 72

Minister Tsokov: Curricula need to be cut by 30%  - 1

It's a holiday for me, there are teachers in my family. I have been working with teachers all my life. I wish all teachers, students, parents to be healthy, calm, to be dedicated in order to achieve higher successes in the educational system. 58 thousand are the first graders this year and are starting a great adventure in the world of knowledge and science. Let them be curious and happy with what they learn, supported by their teachers.

This was stated by the Minister of Education Galin Tsokov on the air of BNT. Today, 720,000 students will cross the school threshold.

This year, we provided free textbooks for all students from grades 1 to 12 for general education preparation, Tsokov pointed out.

Regarding the idea of whether or not to use phones in class, the minister said that according to the School and Pre-School Education Act there is such a ban on the use of phones during the learning process and specified: "In the regulations of many schools there are specific texts related to how phones are left in the relevant lesson. In fact, this is a topic of discussion in every society. And I am rather in favor of this model, which France adheres to, and it should be tried in a certain number of schools, how it will be affected by such a complete ban."

We are around the middle level within digitalization. A way must be found to use technology meaningfully in classrooms and beyond. We have developed a vision of how to use digitization, which we will leave to the next regular cabinet, the education minister added.

"We will put a vision for a change in the curricula to public discussion. They are too busy, there is no time left for practical classes, for applying the students' skills", explained Tsokov. In his words, the curricula should be shortened by 30%.

Our education system is good in terms of imparting knowledge and skills to students, he believes.

A few years ago we presented the national diplomas to 120 students who graduated with full honors, not only in the diplomas, but also in the State Matriculation Examination. These people are our future. We have turned the NVO into an entrance exam. They are not made to evaluate the particular student. The Higher Education Institution should be separated from possible entrance exams, Minister Tsokov also pointed out.