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The mayor of Dupnitsa is on trial for threatening the chief of police in the city

The case is from the middle of March this year, when the mayor Dangov sent a threat over the phone to the chief of police in the city - chief inspector Yordan Zarev

Sep 6, 2024 20:46 121

The mayor of Dupnitsa is on trial for threatening the chief of police in the city  - 1

District Court – Dupnitsa has scheduled a preliminary hearing of the case in which the mayor of the Municipality of Parvan Dangov is accused of threats to the head of the city's police, Senior Inspector Yordan Zarev. The parties have been summoned for October 15, at 10:00 a.m.

A court case was reached after the District Prosecutor's Office in Kyustendil brought charges against the mayor of Dupnitsa Parvan Dangov for threats to acting chief of the Dupnis police Yordan Zarev and his family.

The case is from the middle of March this year, when the mayor Dangov sent a threat by phone to the head of the police in the city - chief inspector Yordan Zarev with the words:

"If you want war, there will be war. I will ruin you and your family as well.

After recusals and self-recusals in the case of all the judges of the Criminal Division of the District Court – Dupnitsa, the case was sent to the Supreme Court of Appeals for determination of another court of equal degree to consider it. By order of the chairman of the Second Criminal Division of the Supreme Court, the case was returned to the Regional Court – Hole for a new allocation for the selection of a Judge Rapporteur from the Civil Division of the Court, on the principle of random selection. A judge-rapporteur has already been appointed.

According to comments, the mayor's conflict with the police chief came after the mayor fired municipal employees, and they filed a complaint. During an inspection carried out by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Dupnitsa, during which documents were requested, a summons was sent to the mayor. He refused to appear.