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Simov: The actions of Ninova and the group around her were not in favor of the BSP, but were an attempt at sabotage

The end of the legal drama in the BSP is coming. The upcoming elections will show whether the party itself will calm down. I expect there will be some more noise because Ninova still has fans in the party. But even they did not expect Ninova to play with the fate of the party. After the court's decision, we cannot see two BSPs, said the socialist

Sep 9, 2024 19:18 88

Simov: The actions of Ninova and the group around her were not in favor of the BSP, but were an attempt at sabotage - 1

From the first meeting of the National Assembly of the BSP, it was known that this would be the court's decision. This is an act of sabotage. The National Assembly met and elected acting chairman Atanas Zafirov. From then on, all the other actions of Ninova and the small group around her were not in favor of the BSP, but were an attempt at frank political sabotage and stopping the BSP from discovering another different way to act in the elections. This was stated by Alexander Simov from the National Council of the BSP in the show "More from the day" on BNT, quoted by

Once again it is proved that the BSP is under a lucky star on September 9, he pointed out.

He commented on the actions of Ninova, Chenchev and Svilenski from today, who submitted documents for the registration of the BSP in the CEC.

"I want to remind you that these are three random people in the universe. They are not members of the BSP and have no right to do what they did today. I expect the court to reject the registration. By the same logic, I can register GERB or DPS", said Simov.
He denied that random people voted for Ninova's exclusion from the BSP.

"The end of the legal drama in the BSP is coming. The upcoming elections will show whether the party itself will calm down. I expect there will be some more noise because Ninova still has fans in the party. But even they did not expect Ninova to play with the fate of the party. "After the court's decision, we cannot see two BSPs," said the socialist.

"BSP is represented by Atanas Zafirov. He will register it with the CEC. Under his leadership, BSP will contest the elections. After that, there will be new elections for the chairman. A cigarette at the top does not mean downward pressure in the BSP", he emphasized.

"The civil war in the Left has stopped. In the end, the voters punished us all. The bottom line is one – we need to show left-wing voters that they will have a united left that thinks about their problems. BSP should have stopped fighting with itself. Politics does not start with every new leader, but with building on battles that have been fought, but without forgetting your history. The dialogue with the old people shows that the BSP stopped fighting with its own past. If we continued to fight, there was no future for us. There will surely be an update. The National Assembly of the BSP will have the last word on the lists," Simov explained.