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Plamen Abrovski: The right way is irrigation

Water should become a national concept, the agricultural law lawyer believes

Sep 11, 2024 06:20 65

Plamen Abrovski: The right way is irrigation  - 1

Bulgaria requested the activation of funds from the agricultural reserve of the European Union due to the damage caused by the drought.

"450 million is the entire EU budget for the year. I don't know on what basis this money was requested because this is informal advice. Maybe the PR guys rushed the press release. In recent years, the main thing that politicians have been paying attention to is money. At some point, farmers began to focus on money".

This is what the agricultural law lawyer Plamen Abrovski commented in the show "The Day ON AIR".

First the drought, the harvest must be over, calculations must be made, he explained.

"If we are fast enough, we will get money in December. If we miss the budget for this year, we will get the money for next year from the next budget. Brussels works slowly", the lawyer pointed out to Bulgaria ON AIR.

"Without water, agriculture cannot be done. Air, food and water are the three elements extremely important for sustaining life. Especially the corn - total damage, the sunflower started to be harvested a month ago. That's scary. It was known that there would be heat and drought. We have no national goals", said lawyer Abrovski, who did not rule out the possibility of bankruptcies in the sector.

Water should become a national concept and it should not matter who will be the minister from now on, he insisted.

"The right way is irrigation - one part, the other is the water supply of the population with water. I have had many conversations with farmers who say that they don't get enough water because they use it to produce electricity. I hope that after the elections in 2025, we will finally have a stable government," Abrovski said.