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20 military personnel have been questioned about the dead pilots of Graf Ignatievo

They have been reading the black box of the crashed "Albatross" for at least 3 months

Sep 16, 2024 20:45 95

20 military personnel have already been questioned about the case of the dead pilots – Major Petko Dimitrov and Senior Lieutenant Vencislav Dunkin. All documentation was seized from Dolna Mitropolia and Count Ignatievo. This was stated to “Telegraph” from military prosecution – Plovdiv.

Experts explained that relying on the black box of the crashed L-39 “Albatross” on Friday at noon it will take several months, at least 3.

were indicated

„Maybe a little more, as it will most likely be sent to the Czech Republic (the country of manufacture) for decryption”, aviation experts said. The fatal flight on Friday the 13th lasted exactly 13 minutes. Video recordings of him are already in the custody of the prosecutors, who have ordered the experts to work in several directions.

„It is yet to be established at what height and at what speed the officers were flying. The videos provide a lot of clarity about what happened, but it needs to be confirmed by experts based on many calculations and checks,” the military prosecutors said.

Just a day ago, the head of the institution, Major Hristo Anchev, announced that there are 3 versions of the incident – human error, technical malfunction or incorrectly issued command center commands.

„If there is a mistake in the command, they are unlikely to fully assist us, i.e. if there is such a moment, we will have to establish it the hard way", Anchev added.

As the only “Telegraph“ wrote, most likely Major Petkov and Senior Lieut. Dunkin performed an aerobatic figure called the “Cuban Eight”. It is complex and is flown at low altitude.

Experts from the investigation must determine whether everything was followed and what went wrong in the last seconds. It is the black box of the aircraft that will shed light on this issue. It records and stores all flight information - altitude, speed, engine parameters.

Aviation experts explained that the black box also records the conversations between the pilots and the tower, as it has microphones. From them it can become clear exactly what happened and what the officers said to each other in the last seconds before hitting the ground.

A little before noon yesterday, the brother of the deceased senior lieutenant Dunkin – Slavcho, uploaded a photo with him and the other fallen officer on his Facebook profile. Without words, he paid his last respects to the dead, and hundreds of condolences from his friends rained down from below.
The two brothers Ventsislav and Slavcho are pilots and this was their childhood dream come true.

The difference was that Slavcho piloted a Border Police helicopter. The Ministry of Defense has not yet announced when the pilots' funerals will be.