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Political scientists: Boyko Borisov has an interest in controlling all power, if he is in power

Both wings of the DPS should enter the parliament

Sep 16, 2024 22:53 79

"We are in a situation where everyone thinks which action will brought him positive. The political PR of the political parties at the moment is very bad, but the fact is that things are not as they say. This is evident from the audience, which feels insincerity, incorrectness in the messages and powerlessness," said political psychologist Prof. Antoineta Hristova in the studio of "The Day ON AIR".

"There is no agreement at the moment, even if one is being worked on and thought about, it will be reached after the elections, when the relative weight of each of the parliamentary groups will be seen. Until this burden is seen and it is not seen who has how many MPs, it would be very difficult to make any agreements", commented political scientist Assoc. Stoicho Stoichev for Bulgaria ON AIR.

In his words, the conditions and proposals for sitting at the table could be a good basis for a future coalition agreement after the elections.

"This parliament is now illegitimate to take any decisions, on any pretext. The best case scenario is to refrain from any legislation. In the next parliament, when it is clear who has how many deputies and what their priorities are, the parties could sit down to form a coalition agreement," he emphasized.

"The BSP are currently the easiest to find some form of agreement on their part if the left enters. PP-DB's proposal for a prime minister who should be equidistant is unrealistic, because in this country everyone knows each other and because there is no such expert who cannot be found to have drunk with someone and to have consulted someone. ;.

She is of the opinion that GERB is not interested in coalitions.

"Borisov has an interest in controlling all power if he is in power. Controlling all power, the PP-DB is excluded in every situation, because they have mutually exclusive ideas about who should be the chief prosecutor. It is not possible for them to come together, because on this first main point they cannot reach any agreement", explained the political psychologist.

Both think that both factions of the DPS will enter the parliament.

"We will witness extremely ugly scenes inside the parliament, because one of the leaders is typical of his directness, and his directness implies another type of communication. It will be difficult to have any government and majority. My second thesis is that we will witness a very bad tone, which will disgust the voters even more", revealed Prof. Antoineta Hristova.