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MO: Eagles don't die - they fly away VIDEO

The Bulgarian Army lost two of the most experienced and motivated aviators

Sep 17, 2024 19:07 70

MO: Eagles don't die - they fly away VIDEO  - 1

The Ministry of Defense paid tribute to the military pilots Major Petko Dimitrov and Senior Lieutenant Vencislav Dunkin with a short video published on the department's page on "Facebook".

The two died in the plane accident in the area of the “Graf Ignatievo“ air base. on September 13, recalls bTV.

„The Bulgarian army lost two of the most experienced and motivated aviators, dedicated to their military duty and devoted to their country, who left a visible mark with their deeds. Major Dimitrov and Senior Lieutenant Dunkin remain in our thoughts and hearts forever”, the Ministry of War writes.

The reasons for the accident are still being investigated. The three initial hypotheses for the causes are pilot error, technical malfunction, or an incorrectly assigned command.

Witnesses said the plane flew too low, straight towards the ground, with no reaction time to eject.

Multiple examinations were appointed. Witnesses were questioned, as well as the ground staff, prepared and the flight controller.

The documents of the crashed plane were requested from Dolna Mitropolia. Video footage taken during the fatal flight was also seized.