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The mayor of Dupnitsa fined the parties BGN 1,000 each

Parvan Dangov threatened them with much harsher sanctions if they did not clean up their posters

Sep 19, 2024 12:43 54

The mayor of Dupnitsa fined the parties BGN 1,000 each  - 1

The municipality of Dupnitsa sent warnings to the leaders of the parties regarding the pre-election posters , which are about to be stuck for the early parliamentary elections on October 27. Political formations once again overdue their obligation to remove their campaign materials related to the previous vote in June.

For this reason, absolutely all parties that participated in the vote for deputies from the Kyustendil district have been drawn up with administrative violations against the sanctions provided for in the Electoral Code.

For not removing their materials until 7 days after the end of election day, each party has a fine of BGN 1,000. A fine was also imposed on the BSP, the party that nominated Parvan Dangov in the local elections last fall.

This is what says.

„I will ask the leaderships of the political parties that will make an election campaign to pay the bills for the posters that were not taken down from the previous elections,” Mayor Parvan Dangov is categorical. “If not, from now on, in the course of the campaign, every single poster that is in an unregulated place will be monitored.

I will have such a mechanism and in case of violations, fines will be imposed, which at the end of the campaign will be much higher than BGN 1,000. Everyone knows where the regulated places are, they are designated by order of the mayor. For the last campaign, the whole city was wallpapered, everyone stuck them wherever they wanted. However, this will no longer be allowed!“, concluded the mayor.

Besides the permitted places, campaign posters are also placed in many unregulated places, such as bus stops, trees, street poles and garbage containers. Often they are on top of each other and with the naked eye you can see that under the newer campaign materials there are also those from at least 4 years ago.

Meanwhile, it became clear that the political parties in the municipality of Dupnitsa have reached an agreement regarding the composition of the sectional election commissions for the elections at the end of October. Representatives of GERB-SDS attended the consultations at the invitation of Mayor Parvan Dangov, “We continue the change – Democratic Bulgaria, DPS, Revival, There is such a people and BSP. Representatives of the two new parties, namely "DPS-New Beginning" and “Democracy, Rights and Freedoms“ were also admitted to the discussion.

GERB-SDS get 181 seats in the sectional election commissions on the territory of the Dupnitsa municipality, and 104 are for PP-DB. “Revival“ there will be 101 places, and DPS, BSP and ITN 72 each.

As is known, committee members will receive BGN 234 each, secretaries and their deputies BGN 255 each, and chairmen – 275 BGN. According to the CEC's decision, additional fees of BGN 20 will be given for participation in training of the RIC, and BGN 15 for receiving materials on the pre-election day, as well as BGN 25 for presenting the protocols to the RIC.