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The Court of the European Union opened a case on the case with Andrey Gyurov

This happens after an inquiry by the Supreme Administrative Court

Sep 20, 2024 17:42 50

The Court of the European Union opened a case on the case with Andrey Gyurov  - 1

The Court of the European Union opened a case on the preliminary inquiry of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) on the case with the prematurely released Deputy Governor of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) Andrey Gyurov.

The case before the Court of the European Union was initiated on the same day that the questions were received by the Bulgarian Supreme Magistrates. The Supreme Court also requested that the case before the Court of Justice of the EU be considered according to the procedure of the fast-track procedure.

This was reported by YOU

BTA recalls that the request for the Supreme Court to make a preliminary inquiry to the EU Court was made by the defense of Gyurov. The SAC decided to ask eight questions related to the interpretation of norms from the Statute of the European System of Central Banks, the European Central Bank and the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.

On June 27, the Commission for Combating Corruption notified the BNB of a decision issued, with which it established incompatibility with regard to Andrey Gyurov, deputy manager, head of the "Issuance" department.

After that, on July 16, the BNB announced that until the court and the parliament decide whether Andrey Gyurov can be the deputy governor in charge of the "Issue" department and a member of the BNB Board of Directors, he will stop exercising his powers.


Gyurov filed a complaint with the Supreme Court, where a case was opened against the reporter, the chairman of the court, Georgi Cholakov. At one of the hearings in the case, Gyurov asked Judge Cholakov to recuse himself because of doubts about the impartiality of Georgi Cholakov, which were derived from Hristo Ivanov's statement before the parliamentary committee on Martin Bojanov – The notary and Petyo Petrov – The euro. However, the court panel unanimously rejected his request, defining it as groundless.