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Tragedy in Burgas: Two pedestrians died, trapped between a van and a lorry, a third person was injured

According to initial information, the driver of the van did not correctly estimate the lateral distance when passing

Sep 26, 2024 09:58 88

Tragedy in Burgas: Two pedestrians died, trapped between a van and a lorry, a third person was injured  - 1

Two people died in serious road accident in Burgas. The ODMVR-Burgas reported to "Focus" that this morning shortly before 8 o'clock on the street "Krayezerna" near the Burgas Duty Free Zone, three pedestrians - two men and a woman from the "Dolno Ezerovo" district, were pinned against a parked/waiting/TIR by a passing van.

According to initial information, the driver of the van did not correctly assess the lateral distance when passing.

One man and his wife died at the scene. The other man was taken to a hospital, but there is currently no information on his health. The three are employees of the Duty Free Zone.

The road section is passable in one lane, through regulation by employees of the "Traffic Police" sector. The examination and removal of the bodies of the deceased for autopsy to the "Forensic Medicine" department is pending. to UMBAL - Burgas.