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Witness in the case against Ibryamov: "Dogan intends to kill Delyan Peevski"

The first hearing on the remand against Ibryamov was held behind closed doors. It never became clear what exactly necessitated this secrecy, but then only the court's decision was reported without much detail about the evidence presented

Oct 10, 2024 11:11 39

Witness in the case against Ibryamov: "Dogan intends to kill Delyan Peevski"  - 1

Ahmed Dogan intends to kill Delyan Peevski. This is what the main witness in the case against Ceyhan Ibryamov - Miroslav Todorov - claimed in his testimony before the prosecutor's office. His words have nothing to do with the subject of the investigation, which is about bribery, but nevertheless they are cited as an argument that Ibryamov should remain in custody.

At the moment, he is being held in custody permanently, as the Court of Appeal in Sofia must make a final ruling on his sentence. Otherwise, Ibryamov is accused of having asked for and accepted a bribe from Todorov. In return, he promised to influence officials from the Ministry of Defense in connection with public procurement. It is currently unclear what these auctions are.

The first hearing on the remand order against Ibryamov was held behind closed doors. It never became clear what exactly necessitated this secrecy, but then only the court's decision was reported without much detail about the evidence presented.

However, the meeting was quite interesting. From its own sources, Mediapool reported that during the case, the prosecutor, in an attempt to argue why Ibryamov should remain in custody permanently, chose three quotes from the testimony of the main witness. One of them is the following:

"I want to point out that during the same meeting, Ibryamov mentioned to me that Ahmed Dogan told him that it would not have been like that and that they would kill the boy further on, as he meant Delyan Peevski. He said they talked about possibly shooting him as he showed me the shape of a gun with his fingers, but only to find the money for it.

The prosecutor himself emphasizes that this statement has nothing to do with the accusation. But he explains that he decided to mention it because the quote was "quite disturbing".

At the moment, it is not clear whether the prosecutor's office will limit itself to quoting the witness statements or will also start an investigation into them.

"The Murder" it is not mentioned as a reason for Ibryamov's stay in custody, probably because it really has nothing to do with the subject of the case.