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Atanas Zafirov: The campaign of the left is clean, positive and eye to eye with the people

BSP wants a minimum salary of 1277 BGN

Oct 16, 2024 18:00 79

„ smarter than each other. On the last day of the 50th parliament, they hugged each other in a shameful embrace, which aims to kill the Bulgarian energy industry and leave tens of thousands of families on the street. I don't know with what eyes they are trying to resuscitate the parliament to make more ridiculous decisions. I don't know with what eyes they will go to Stara Zagora, Pernik, Haskovo to stand in front of the people and explain what they are doing to them.

This was stated on NovaNews by the chairman of the BSP – UNITED LEFT Atanas Zafirov on the occasion of the ideas for an extraordinary meeting of the National Assembly on the occasion of legislative changes concerning the NPVU. He emphasized that there is no scheduled meeting of the National Assembly and expressed the hope that there will not be one, because that would be ridiculous.

On the occasion of the campaign of the left, Atanas Zafirov commented that it is clean, positive and eye to eye with the people. “In our conversations with them, we have two goals – to return normalcy to politics and give people a real alternative to right-wing government”. He emphasized that the BSP makes 5 commitments to the voters in these talks: that there should not be a single Bulgarian child who cannot go to school because he is barefoot, hungry and does not have a backpack; not one adult who dies because he is hungry and poor; to stop the looting of the monopolies and the excess profits of the banks; a fair tax system; that Bulgaria will not become a frontline country and will work for peace.

He explained that the program of the left with its 100 solutions for accelerated development of Bulgaria can easily be turned into a management program. “It contains the steps by which our country can get out of the crisis,” he was categorical.

„Our ambition is to restore people's faith and urge them to vote. We need to bring back the interest of socially engaged people in politics. The only way is if we talk to them and return politics to politics," emphasized the socialist. According to him, everything is talked about in the parliament, except for politics, and there is no way for people to get interested.

On the occasion of the relations with the PP – DB, Zafirov stated that they are a right-wing formation that very quickly appropriated the left-wing measures created and implemented by the BSP – increasing pensions, increasing maternity benefits, free textbooks for the youngest, free kindergartens.

When asked about the opponents of the left, in these elections, he stated that there is only BSP on the left – UNITED LEFT, and only it proposes left-wing measures, all others are opponents.

Zafirov explained that the BSP is betting on the option of an expert government, equally distant from all parties. According to him, in the campaign it became clear where the differences between the parties are, but also where they are approaching. “When after the elections we separate the things on which we are approaching, it is very easy to draw up the profile of such a government that has strong parliamentary support. Staring at the Prime Minister's name is counterproductive. When we lay down the profile and the horizon of the government, the figure who can lead it will also become clear, he said and emphasized that this person must have courage and stand up to the parties, in every attempt to impose.

He emphasized that BSP – UNITED LEFT is the fastest growing coalition and the sociological surveys are giving an increasingly prominent place.
In the social sphere, Atanas Zafirov commented that the BSP is the reason why the minimum wage is calculated according to a new methodology, according to which it will reach BGN 1,277, growing together with the average wage for the country. As other social measures, the socialist indicated: tying maternity in the second year to the minimum wage; support for the birth of a child – 5,000 for the first and 10,000 for the second and third child; 40,000 assistance for families to buy a first home if one is under 40 and both have been insured for the last 2 years.