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Borissov in Varna: Schengen is over, the Eurozone is over! And they invited us...

We have sent 217 million interest just because of their nonsense to the "Change"

Oct 22, 2024 21:02 44

Borissov in Varna: Schengen is over, the Eurozone is over! And they invited us...  - 1

"I am so angry that I simply will not say anything! We have sent 217 million interest just because of their "Change" nonsense. And that this is not all over the media?" This is what GERB leader Boyko Borisov asked at a pre-election meeting in Varna.

Schengen is over. France closed the borders, Germany closed them. They put some in the programs - the Eurozone. And the Eurozone is over, he pointed out.

For 4 years - zero construction. What have you done since we have been gone, Borisov asked rhetorically.

We had just been invited to the waiting room of the Eurozone, to the Banking Union, and the protests came. Then Cherepa bragged that he had overthrown the government, the GERB leader pointed out.

After us what - 30 percent inflation, zero construction. Every day, 1 million go to Turkey because of the contract with "Botash", can you imagine if GERB had done this, Borisov asked.

The leader of GERB is in Varna for a pre-election meeting of GERB-SDS.

The regional coordinator of GERB, Ivan Portnich, was the first to stand on the podium, followed by the leader of the list, Daniel Mitov.

In the last four years, we are in our seventh election because we have a bunch of leaders who complain that we are the most corrupt nation. For four years they have been telling each other stories that have nothing to do with reality, but that is not leadership, said Daniel Mitov.

He emphasized that GERB has the best experts, but they are looking for a way to understanding, unlike the others, the grumblers who reject the election results and paralyze the nation. Falling into the trap of despair and hopelessness should not be allowed, the alternative is GERB under the leadership of Boyko Borisov, which gathers the people. The other is a path to the swamp and erosion of values, therefore a red card should be shown to the grumblers, Mitov added.

The leader of the list for Veliko Tarnovo, Prof. Kostadin Angelov, pointed out in front of the hall that all other parties are preparing for elections, and only GERB is preparing to govern and has a real program for governance.

After him, the leader of the lists for Lovech Nikolay Nankov shared that he had traveled for 6 hours to Varna. And he emphasized that, despite the promises of the PP, there are no bridges over the Danube, no highways, and no tunnels under Stara Planina.

Nankov pointed out that the only quality construction was carried out by GERB. And he asked, who will show us something real built by the Change. We are looking for him, but there is no such person, Nankov pointed out.

"The Change" they only know how to vote in Maksuda, they don't have ready-made projects. Let Ivaylo Mirchev analyze the result of 94.54 percent for PPDB in Maksuda in the vote in Varna last Sunday, Nankov urged.

We have absorbed 6 percent of the funds under the PVU for the last years. For the remaining 94, we will need more than 60 years, Nankov also pointed out and recalled how during the administration of Borisov with Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, 99.5% of the European funds were absorbed.

With these many bridges over the Danube and tunnels under Stara Planina, we will confuse traffic, people will wonder where to cross, ironizes the unfulfilled promises of Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev.

In four months we go to elections, it is a meaningless democracy. We are turning into a country without direction, Donchev pointed out.

Just look at what candidates there are - one will cut off ears, another - heads, and others are frankly hallucinating, he added.

How did we get here? Bulgaria had a direction, by now we should have built "Hemus", there was money, there were opportunities. do you remember Only 4 years ago..., continued Tomislav Donchev.

After 4 years without a goal and direction, the Bulgarians are divided into groups that fight and insult each other. And political logic indicates that Bulgarian society must be freed from hatred. That's why I want to call on you not to hate, but to have a goal and a direction! Donchev urged.