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Two men have died from the "man-eating bacteria" in Burgas

At the moment, mainly COVID-19 is circulating in the country

Oct 22, 2024 22:32 30

Two men have died from the "man-eating bacteria" in Burgas  - 1

Four cases of "man-eating bacteria" in Burgas, two elderly men died.

The director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCCPD) - Sofia, Professor Iva Hristova revealed details about cases of infection with necrotizing bacteria in Burgas in 2024. In a television interview, she reported a total of four registered cases, three of which involved men between the ages of 70 and 86.

"The quick reaction of the medics saved the woman infected with the bacteria. It multiplies extremely quickly, and the immune system needs time to react," explained Professor Hristova on NOVA.

According to the director of the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the first symptoms of the disease appear as inflammation around the wound site. Especially dangerous is the fact that bacteria quickly enter the blood and cause sepsis - a life-threatening condition that leads to thrombosis, embolism and necrosis.

Of the four registered cases in Burgas in September 2024, two of the patients lost the battle with the dangerous infection. Professor Hristova emphasized that the treatment is extremely expensive and often requires multiple operative interventions.

In addition to the information about the necrotizing bacteria, Professor Hristova reported that at the moment, mainly COVID-19 is circulating in the country. She specified that there are no proven cases of influenza, but the appearance of seasonal respiratory viruses is expected.