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The Prosecutor's Office: SRS were used against 15 magistrates from 2017 to 2023.

The Prosecutor's Office did not ask for permission to apply the method regulated in the Law on Special Intelligence Means - penetration, neither in court offices nor in courtrooms and conference rooms for court panels.

Oct 17, 2024 11:08 26

The Prosecutor's Office: SRS were used against 15 magistrates from 2017 to 2023.  - 1

In connection with inquiries from the media regarding allegations made about the number of court-authorized special intelligence tools applied to judges in recent years, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria states:

By order of the i.f. Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Bulgaria, as early as March 2024, an inspection was carried out of all special intelligence tools authorized by the court, applied to magistrates, for which the prosecutor's office is the applicant. The inspection covers the period 2017 - 2023 inclusive. The same establishes that, after the permission of a judge, special intelligence tools were applied to 15 magistrates as follows: 11 prosecutors, 3 investigators, 1 judge.

The prosecutor's office did not ask for permission to apply the method regulated in the Law on Special Intelligence Means – intrusion, neither in courtrooms, nor in courtrooms and conference rooms of judicial panels.

Each of the requests made and allowed by the judge to apply the SRS are for the disclosure and proof of the following crimes under the Criminal Code: Art. 282, para. 2 - crime on duty; Art. 302, item 1-bribery; Art. 304b - favoritism; Art. 354a - possession of narcotic substances; Art. 282, para. 2 - non-fulfilment of official duties for the purpose of benefiting.