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The Daily Telegraph: Zaluzhny considers it acceptable to cede territories to achieve peace with Russia,

According to the publication, the statements of the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and current ambassador of Ukraine in London show a change in the rhetoric of the Ukrainian authorities

Oct 20, 2024 19:21 77

The Daily Telegraph: Zaluzhny considers it acceptable to cede territories to achieve peace with Russia,  - 1

Ukrainian Ambassador to Great Britain Valery Zaluzhny considers it acceptable to cede territories to achieve peace with Russia, writes The Daily Telegraph, quoted by FOCUS.

According to him, the territorial issue is not of primary importance for Ukraine in resolving the conflict with the Russian Federation, and security guarantees are more important.

"I did not mention the territories. I was talking about security, safety and the feeling of being in your own home. If I lived in my own house and knew that my neighbor had appropriated part of my garden, I would say that we need to solve this problem. If not now, then our children will have to solve it”, said Zaluzhny.

According to the publication, the statements of the former commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces show a change in the rhetoric of the Ukrainian authorities, who previously insisted on the impossibility of achieving peace without the return of all lost territories. Ukrainian military personnel, with whom the correspondents of the publication spoke, said that they were in favor of an early end to the conflict due to heavy losses and the impossibility of achieving victory.

Meanwhile, the Russian senator from the Ukrainian-occupied Zaporozhye region, Dmitry Rogozin, explained in an interview with "Moscow Komsomolets", cited by FOCUS, why the Russian Black Sea Fleet was forced to relocate.

According to him, this happened because of attacks by sea drones of the Ukrainian armed forces.

"If we return again to the weapon systems and to the changes that the methods of combat use underwent during WWII, then a good example is the Black Sea Fleet, which was actually forced to change its registration. Due to the fact that our large ships simply became large targets for the enemy's unmanned cutters,”, said Rogozin.

He also complained about the clumsiness of the military system of the Russian army:

"Either you can't put offshore machine guns on the deck, or you can't use offshore EW systems, etc.,” he stated.