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A man became a victim of fraud for hundreds of thousands

He says he was forced to take out bank loans

Oct 11, 2024 10:54 56

A man became a victim of fraud for hundreds of thousands  - 1

A man became a victim of fraud for hundreds of thousands of BGN. He says he was forced to take out bank loans.

„From the moment I realized I was a victim of fraud, my life turned upside down. Ever since this happened I've been on sedation. These people are currently spending and enjoying my money, and my torment will last for 10 years”, says the man who believed a beautiful lie. According to him, several people are involved in the scheme. At the beginning of the month, he did not suspect that one chat would cost him nearly 330,000 BGN.

„At the beginning of September, a boy contacted me. He said he saw me, that he knew me. His girlfriend was looking for a job. He asked me if my company was looking for people. I replied in the affirmative and told him to contact me. I have absolutely never seen him, nor do I know him. He didn't have Facebook, he only used Messenger”, Sasho told Nova TV.

This is how you get in touch with the first person in the fraudulent scheme - the one who has to study the victim. He acts like a good acquaintance who asks for a favor and invites his victim to coffee. “We met, I spoke to his girlfriend who was looking for a job. After that, it was just the two of us. He told me that he works for a person who deals with loans”, adds Sasho.

The fraudster claimed that you go through 3-4 banks, and they grant you loans on the same day. His acquaintance repays them immediately, and you receive a commission for the service. The acquaintance introduced himself as Martin. He is the mastermind of the scheme - the man who must enchant Sasho. In a few minutes, the man manages to check if Sasho has credits and immediately calls him again. He promises him a commission of BGN 8,000. The target has already been hit. “The Hunt” is successful, although nothing proposed sounds logical and Sasho is an educated young man.