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Georgi Todorov before FACTS: Our goal is to have the strongest possible patriarch, a person to lead us (VIDEO)

Patriarch Bartholomew has a long list of serious violations against the church - not only against the Bulgarian church, but in general. These things make him unworthy of the title Patriarch of Constantinople

Jun 25, 2024 17:17 141

Georgi Todorov before FACTS: Our goal is to have the strongest possible patriarch, a person to lead us (VIDEO)  - 1

The Holy Synod sent forth three worthy candidates for Patriarch, with which the main intrigue that was entangled that we would almost have a schism was dropped. There will be no schism. The three are worthy. But the role of Patriarch Bartholomew is quite controversial. Because historically, and perhaps personally, he has put himself, he wants - he does not want, in an anti-Bulgarian and anti-Orthodox position with his claims to be the Eastern Pope, to be the first without equal. And how can you be the first without equal? When others are subordinate to you. Well, in order for the Bulgarian church to be subordinated to him, it must give up its independence. Which is a clear example of an anti-Bulgarian position. And he, falling into this pride, somehow made himself an opponent of all local autocephalies. Except for those who pretend to be distracted, but this applies to them too.
The approximate metropolitans of Bartholomew - metropolitan of this, of that, of Ephesus, of Smyrna. There is no one in my places. There is not a single Christian in Ephesus. There are probably 8 people in Smyrna. And in that sense, these are empty titles, loud but empty. These hollow and loud titles deprive the metropolitans themselves of contact with the living church.
Theologian Georgi Todorov commented on this in the FACTS studio in front of Lili Marinkova. He also analyzed the situation surrounding the election of a new Bulgarian patriarch, which will take place on Sunday. Here are more of his words:
Our goal is to have the strongest possible patriarch in view of the very difficult times ahead. For this we must have a patriarch who is strong spiritually, physically and socially. He should have no failures in his biography. There's nothing for them to hold on to. I rely a lot on the conscience of the voters. Not to succumb to internal calculations by the cunning/ let us choose a weaker one so that we can command him, let us choose a weaker one so that he does not chase us/. There are human inner mini meannesses , who very often whisper to us. We must choose a person to lead us, to bring the best out of the little we have. Because we are not in spiritual bloom. But if we bring out the best of ourselves, it is again evangelical and biblical that: "the last can become the first". If in our weakness we bring out the best in ourselves, we have a real hope of refuting all evil-doers. And Patriarch Bartholomew, who has a long list of serious violations against the church - not only against the Bulgarian church, but in general. These things make him unworthy of the title of Patriarch of Constantinople.

You can watch more of Georgi Todorov's analysis of the situation in the Bulgarian church and the election of a new patriarch on Sunday in the video