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Netanyahu opposes pauses in fighting in Gaza over aid delivery

Military says operations in Rafah continue as normal

Jun 16, 2024 22:01 81

Netanyahu opposes pauses in fighting in Gaza over aid delivery  - 1

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized the military's plans for daily tactical pauses in fighting along one of the main routes into Gaza, for to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid, reported Reuters.

The military announced daily pauses from 05:00 GMT to 16:00 GMT in the area of the "Kerem Shalom" checkpoint. to the Salah al-Din road and then north.

„When the prime minister heard the reports of an 11-hour humanitarian pause in the morning, he turned to his military secretary and made it clear that this was unacceptable to him," an Israeli official told Reuters.

The military specified that the operations in Rafah continue normally.

Internal Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who heads one of the nationalist religious parties in Netanyahu's ruling coalition, condemned the idea of a tactical pause, saying whoever made such a decision was a “fool" who should to lose his job.

The dispute is the latest in a series of clashes between coalition members and the military over the conduct of the war, which is now in its ninth month.

A week earlier, former general and representative of one of the centrist parties, Benny Gantz, left the government, accusing Netanyahu of not having an effective strategy in Gaza, Reuters recalls.