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Russia: The next conditions for peace in Ukraine will be more difficult. Kiev: Putin's time is running out

Russian intelligence chief says next terms for peace in Ukraine will be tougher

Jun 17, 2024 13:16 74

Russia: The next conditions for peace in Ukraine will be more difficult. Kiev: Putin's time is running out  - 1

Moscow has issued another ultimatum to Kiev, stating that the next terms for peace in Ukraine will be tougher . Ukraine, for its part, responded that the Russian army's chances of success are decreasing, and therefore there are similar calls from the regime of Vladimir Putin.

If the current peace proposals of Russian President Vladimir Putin are rejected, the terms of the next ones will be more difficult, the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of Russia Sergey Naryshkin said today, quoted by Reuters. At the same time, he did not say by whom the proposals in question should be accepted or rejected.

„The next conditions under which peace can be achieved and some kind of peace agreement signed will be more complicated for Ukraine and more difficult,” Naryshkin said in an interview with TASS, answering a question about what will happen with Ukraine in rejecting the new peace proposal.

Against this background, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrsky said that Russia now understands that as a result of the gradual receipt of a significant amount of weapons and military equipment from Western partners, including F-16 aircraft, time will play in favor of Ukraine and the Russian Federation's chances of success will decrease, UNIAN agency reported.

„Therefore, the command of the Russian troops is now making every effort to increase the intensity and expand the geography of hostilities in order to achieve maximum exhaustion of our troops, to disrupt our transition to active offensive actions,” Sirsky added.


Last week, Vladimir Putin called on Ukraine to sit down at the negotiating table, but on the condition that it give up 1/5 of its territories, as well as future plans to join NATO.

Russia and its leaders are "not ready for a just peace", Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said yesterday, at the end of the peace conference for Ukraine in the Swiss resort of "Burgenstock", which gave strong support for the territorial integrity of his country. reported France Press. "We have to do our job, not think about Russia, but do what we have to do. Currently, Russia and its leaders are not ready for a just peace. This is a fact," said the Ukrainian president. Russia can negotiate peace "as early as tomorrow if it withdraws from our territory," Zelensky noted, after Russian President Vladimir Putin said he was ready for talks.

At the same time, Naryshkin said that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's statement today that the alliance is discussing putting nuclear weapons on alert is aimed at intimidation. “We have to take it easy [on this – note.ed.]“, he added.

NATO countries are discussing deploying additional nuclear weapons, taking them out of storage and putting them on alert amid growing threats from Russia and China, alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said. “I will not go into the operational details of how many nuclear warheads should be ready and which should be in stock, but we need to consult on that. This is exactly what we are doing," he told the British "Telegraph".