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Radev: In a parliamentary republic, the most important thing is that the parliament works. That's why I convened it as soon as possible

"Only a stable region that is economically prosperous and based on mutual trust can take a step forward in its pan-European future. I emphasize the interest in bilateral cooperation, especially in the economic sphere," he said at the beginning at the press conference the President of Montenegro Yakov Milatovic

Jun 17, 2024 14:44 90

Radev: In a parliamentary republic, the most important thing is that the parliament works. That's why I convened it as soon as possible  - 1

The Head of State Rumen Radev commented on the convening of the new 50th Parliament on Wednesday. The president made a statement during a press conference with his Montenegrin colleague Yakov Milatovic during his official visit to Montenegro, BNT reports.
In a parliamentary republic, the most important thing is that the parliament works. I therefore summoned Parliament as soon as possible. The development of all other issues depends on the decisions of the parliament. I believe that Bulgaria will continue to uphold its policy of supporting the European integration of the Western Balkans. Bulgaria is the main driver of this policy. I also believe that the Bulgarian parliament and government will continue to adhere to these policies to guarantee the sustainability and irreversibility of the European integration of the Western Balkans. This means that this process will not be accelerated and subjugated only on the basis of geopolitical circumstances. And to move on the principle of own merits and compliance with the Copenhagen criteria. Judge according to the policies for building good neighborly relations, constructive partnership with neighboring countries, respect for human rights and the rule of law," said Rumen Radev.
"Thank you for the political and expert support for the European integration of Montenegro, hoping to become the 28th EU member state by 2028. Only a stable region that is prosperous economically and based on mutual trust can take a step forward in its pan-European future. I emphasize the interest in bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of economy", the President of Montenegro Yakov Milatovic said at the beginning of the press conference.

As a sign of the lasting friendship between our countries, the state leaders will plant a "tree of friendship" in the courtyard of the presidential residence in Cetinje. Reciprocal naming of streets in Podgorica and Sofia after important personalities or geographical names in the two countries will also begin, Milatovich added.

"I want to thank the President of Montenegro for the invitation and warm hospitality. Bulgaria highly values its excellent relations with Montenegro, based on long-standing friendship and mutual trust, centuries-old cultural, historical and spiritual ties, constructive partnership and common goals. President Milatovic and I made a thorough review of our bilateral relations and exchanged opinions on current issues," said Head of State Rumen Radev.
Radev emphasized that both sides have ambitions for deepening bilateral cooperation in the sphere of industrial cooperation, the economy, the IT sphere, defense, science, culture.

"The key condition is to have better connectivity", Radev emphasized.

He added that he expects the governments of the two countries to work more actively to open a direct airline between Sofia and Podgorica.

Radev discussed with Milatovic the prospects for Montenegro for faster European integration.