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Norwegian Foreign Minister Warns of Potential Collapse of Palestinian Authority in Near Future

Bart Eide, who works closely with the Palestinian Authority, shared their concerns about the possibility of a collapse as early as this summer

Jun 17, 2024 15:43 55

Norwegian Foreign Minister Warns of Potential Collapse of Palestinian Authority in Near Future  - 1

Norwegian Foreign Minister Warns of Potential Collapse of the Palestinian Authority in the near future. He pointed to the critical problems leading to this dire forecast - a severe financial deficit, ongoing violence and the restriction that prevents half a million Palestinians from seeking work in Israel, Reuters and BTA reported.

Bart Eide, who works closely with the Palestinian Authority, shared their concerns about the possibility of a collapse as early as this summer. He warned of the catastrophic consequences such a collapse could lead to, drawing parallels with the situation in Gaza.

„A collapse would be catastrophic not only for the Palestinians but also for the Israelis,” he noted, underscoring the widespread impact such an event could have.

As the current chair of the international donor group for the State of Palestine, Norway plays an important role in the region. The country's participation underscores the concern of the international community and the urgent need for support to prevent the collapse of the Palestinian Authority. In short, the situation is critical and the coming months could determine the fate of the Palestinian Authority. Norway's warning serves as a call to action for the international community to step in and help prevent a crisis that could have far-reaching consequences for the region.