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In Jerusalem: The war between Israel and Hamas will last three years

There is no point in worrying about tomorrow while the action is still in its infancy, Brigadier General Effie Eitam said, confirming the IDF's goal of defeating Hamas

Jun 17, 2024 16:26 114

In Jerusalem: The war between Israel and Hamas will last three years  - 1

< p>The war between Israel and the Palestinian group “Hamas“ will last three years, he said during an interview with the local radio station 103FM o.z. brigadier general of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and former minister Efi Aytam, reported the "Jerusalem Post" newspaper, quoted by BTA.

The last 48 hours have been one of the most complicated since the start of the war with “Hamas” as 12 IDF soldiers were killed in the fighting in the Gaza Strip, eight of them in the city of Rafah.

„The IDF have set themselves the goal of crushing “Hamas”. Anyone who carries a weapon [in Gaza] must die. All weapons must be confiscated. "Almost all of Gaza is in our hands and we can act relatively calmly," Gen. I say.

„The war will last about three years – one year is already behind us, next year is about war in Lebanon, and the year after that is to worry about things related to Iran,” he added.

„There is no point in worrying about tomorrow while the action is still in its infancy”, Eitam said, confirming the IDF's goal of defeating “Hamas”.

„For 20 years we were complacent. What could have been a simple weed to remove is now an entire forest. Our goals are simple, measurable and achievable: everyone who holds a weapon, whether an anti-tank grenade launcher or a Kalashnikov, must die, concluded Gen. Eitam, quoted by the publication.