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China criticizes NATO secretary general's speech

"We call on (the NATO secretary general) to stop blaming others and sow discord, and not to add fuel to the fire," said Lin Jiang, a spokesman for Chinese diplomacy

Jun 18, 2024 13:58 238

China criticizes NATO secretary general's speech  - 1

China has criticized a statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who called on Beijing to pay for its alleged support for Russia's war in Ukraine, reported AFP and BTA.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is trying to "give the impression that he is standing aside in this conflict to avoid sanctions and preserve trade flows," Stoltenberg said during a visit to the United States, which is Ukraine's leading military backer.

"But in reality, China is fomenting the biggest armed conflict in Europe since World War II and at the same time wants to maintain good relations with the West," Stoltenberg said. "At some point, if China does not change its course, allies must make it suffer the consequences. There must be consequences".

"We call on (NATO's secretary general) to stop blaming others and sow discord, and not to add fuel to the fire,'' said Lin Jiang, a spokesman for Chinese diplomacy. Instead of blaming China, Stoltenberg had better "do something concrete for a political settlement of the crisis," Lin suggested at a regular press conference.

China claims to be neutral in this conflict. Beijing has never condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and Russian President Vladimir Putin has visited the country several times. China regularly calls for respect for the territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, but also insists that Russia's security concerns be taken into account.

China did not participate in the Ukraine peace conference organized in Switzerland this past weekend, mainly because of Russia's absence.