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All soldiers are in Ukraine: Russia has emptied its bases near the border with Finland

After Finland joined NATO, Moscow threatened serious consequences and promised to increase its military presence along the border

Jun 19, 2024 19:48 214

All soldiers are in Ukraine: Russia has emptied its bases near the border with Finland  - 1

Finnish state media Yle reports, that the Russian military bases near the border with Finland are almost empty, as Russia has transferred personnel and equipment for the war in Ukraine, the intelligence informed, reports

After Finland joined NATO, Moscow threatened serious consequences and promised to increase its military presence along the border. However, military bases there are currently undermanned compared to a year ago.

The intelligence source said that "on average 80% of the equipment and soldiers were transferred to the war against Ukraine". Yle has obtained satellite images of the Russian bases, which they say corroborate these claims.

Some Western leaders, such as US President Joe Biden, a senior German military official and Denmark's defense minister, have expressed concern that Russia's longer-term plans could include an attack on NATO. >

Late last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin himself dismissed the idea of attacking NATO as nonsense. However, the Kremlin warned that conflict between Russia and the alliance would be inevitable if European member states sent troops to are fighting in Ukraine.