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Poptodorova: America has never been faced with such an absurd choice

The diplomat commented on the debate between Trump and Biden

Jun 29, 2024 07:45 135

Poptodorova: America has never been faced with such an absurd choice  - 1

The debate between the US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden did not achieve the goals that were set in its conduct – we saw more character measurement than politics.

This is what he told "Focus“ the long-time ambassador to the USA and vice president of the Atlantic Club in Bulgaria, Elena Poptodorova.

"The Democratic Party needs to analyze the results and reconsider next steps and actions because President Biden has failed to project this energy, this fitness to rule the world's superpower, as he was expected to do.“

According to her, it is not possible to think about changing the candidate presidential pair of the Democrats and it would be very late, since there is not enough time to confirm a new candidate. "And we don't even see who he would be so much as there was no doubt that he was the natural first-term candidate of the Democrats, namely President Biden, with all his political experience thus far, with all his visibility and support, to continue on.“

According to Elena Poptodorova, from what was said in the debate regarding foreign policy, we certainly have questions regarding President Trump about his possible future intentions if he enters the White House. "The legacy that President Trump has on foreign policy is very troubling. What he promises going forward are vague and confused answers. While President Biden gave consistent answers that somehow fell under the weight of the superficial impression of the entire debate,” she explained and added that Europe would be much calmer with a president like Biden as an ally.

America has never been faced with such an absurd choice, the diplomat added. There is a great stake, not only for the Americans themselves, but also for Europe, from what choice the American voters will make. "Republican candidate Donald Trump is a man who attacks the Constitution, attacks the judiciary, attacks the device of checks and balances – the system that ensures mutual control of the authorities in the USA, which for hundreds of years has always been a guarantee for the development of the state. You have this on the one hand, plus total ambiguity and confused ideas about foreign policy and security issues.

On the other side, you have a very experienced politician in the person of Joe Biden, who knows America, knows the importance of alliances and who sees America as truly a leader in the world. But on the other hand, you have a physical weakness that can prevent the realization of these very solid, very perspective and positive political goals,” summarized Elena Poptodorova and emphasized that all political messages were drowned in a debate in which personal attacks and targeted suggestions take precedence over political speech.