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Tucker Carlson shocks with a statement about Russia and Ukraine

The American journalist said that the Western countries have failed the negotiations between Moscow and Kiev

Jun 27, 2024 13:38 115

Tucker Carlson shocks with a statement about Russia and Ukraine  - 1

The American journalist Tucker Carlson, known for his pro-Russian statements, called Ukraine's victory in the conflict impossible and emphasized that the whole world knows who prevented Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky from making peace with Russia, reported.

„It is simply impossible for Ukraine to win,”, he said, referring to the ongoing conflict. “The best they can do is to sign a peace treaty”, the journalist also noted, adding that everyone knows about it, including Zelensky, who “wanted this from the beginning" of hostilities.

Carlson emphasized that the signing of the peace treaty was obstructed by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who acted on the orders of the administration of US President Joe Biden.

„Everyone admits this, he stopped the peace talks almost two years ago,”, Karlsson said, summarizing that as a result, Ukraine is completely destroyed.

In addition, the journalist drew attention to the fact that Zelensky passed a law that allows foreign companies to buy land in Ukraine. Carlson expressed confidence that in 30 years all of Ukraine will be occupied by foreign companies and the population will not be Ukrainian at all.