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Gunmen attack wedding guests in France, one killed

Alleged to settle scores related to drug trafficking

Jun 30, 2024 19:08 90

Gunmen attack wedding guests in France, one killed  - 1

One person killed, five injured in shooting at wedding in France , reported the world agencies quoted by BTA.

The tragedy unfolded at night in Thionville, in northeastern France.

The perpetrators of the shooting - several hooded armed men fled after attacking the celebration at a local reception hall. There were about 100 people at the party.

About 15 kilometers from the city are the borders with Germany and Luxembourg, and it is not known whether the attackers came by car from there.

Investigators believe it is most likely a settlement of accounts related to drug trafficking.

Participants in the wedding party were from a neighboring town and may have been part of the Turkish community in France, a police source said.