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Voter turnout in France not seen since 1978

At the end of the election day, it is expected to be around 67.5 percent, according to Ipsos forecast

Jun 30, 2024 20:00 86

Voter turnout in France not seen since 1978  - 1

Voter turnout in the first round of early parliamentary elections in France according to estimates of the sociological Ipsos Institute should be around 67.5 percent, reported France Press.

Ipsos is based on the development of voter turnout throughout the election day. As of 5 p.m. local time, it was 59.39 percent, up 20 percentage points from the same hour in the first round of parliamentary elections in June 2022, the French interior ministry announced earlier today.

This is also the highest voter turnout since the first round of parliamentary elections in 1978, with the exception of the vote in 1986, but which was then held under a proportional system in only one round.