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Marine Le Pen: The Macronist bloc is practically wiped out

The party of the French far-right leader leads in the extraordinary parliamentary vote

Jun 30, 2024 21:48 83

Marine Le Pen: The Macronist bloc is practically wiped out  - 1

"The Macronist bloc" is "virtually wiped out,", French far-right leader Marine Le Pen said amid a looming victory for her National Assembly party. of the first round of the early parliamentary elections in France that took place today, reported France Press, quoted by BTA.

According to exit poll surveys "The National Assembly" leads convincingly in front of the extreme left, and Macron's liberals are only third.

The French showed their "willingness to turn the page on seven years of contemptuous and corrosive power" of Macron, said Le Pen, who was elected as an MP in the first round in her single-member constituency in northern France. She called on the French to give her party an "absolute majority".

A little earlier, Macron called in a written statement for "great unity" against the extreme right in the second round of the election next Sunday.