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Russia may end sanctions against the Taliban

The opinion was expressed by the Russian representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya

Jul 2, 2024 07:06 88

Russia may end sanctions against the Taliban  - 1

Russian representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, suggested that Moscow may consider lifting its sanctions against the Taliban, who have been in power in Afghanistan since 2021, but are not recognized by the international community, reported France Press, quoted by BTA.

Earlier yesterday, Taliban officials said they would discuss the sanctions imposed on Afghanistan with the international community at a conference organized by the United Nations in Doha, which they are attending for the first time.

The Taliban "are the de facto authorities" in Afghanistan, said the Russian diplomat from the UN headquarters in New York. "We have been saying it for a long time, we have to recognize this fact" because "whether we like it or not, this movement is running the country today. You can't ignore this".

"As for the question of how far we have come in removing them from the list of Russian sanctions that they are currently subject to, I cannot give you a definitive answer, but I have heard discussions on the subject," Nebenzia added, without giving more details.

According to Rosemary di Carlo, UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, at the conference in Doha, the Taliban were urged to include women and civil society in public life, notes AFP.