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New PM: Britain must reinvent its identity

You have given us a clear mandate, we will use it to deliver change, Keir Starmer has pledged

Jul 5, 2024 16:25 65

New PM: Britain must reinvent its identity  - 1

New British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in his first speech since taking office today, that the country must rediscover its identity and reorient itself more broadly, promising to fight to restore trust in politics and serve all voters, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.

Meeted outside the Prime Minister's office on Downing Street; 10 by a crowd of jubilant aides and supporters after formally accepting the king's invitation to take up the post, in his first address Starmer announced a moderate policy to restore the lost confidence of the electorate.

"Surely it is clear to all that our country needs a greater realignment, a reinvention of who we are, because no matter how strong the storms of history have been, one of the greatest forces of this nation has always been about our ability to find our way to calmer waters,'' Starmer said.

"It depends on politicians, especially those who stand for stability and moderation, as I do,", he added.

"My government will fight every day until you believe again. Henceforth you have a government unencumbered by doctrine, driven solely by the determination to serve your interests. To stand up in silence to those who have written off our country", added the new British Prime Minister.

"You gave us a clear mandate. And we will use it to bring about change," he promised.