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World leaders commented on Keir Starmer's success

Donald Trump hailed Nigel Farage's success in becoming a member of the British Parliament

Jul 6, 2024 05:13 119

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni congratulated British Labor's Keir Starmer on his victory in the parliamentary elections and on his election to the British Parliament prime minister's post, ANSA reported, quoted by BTA.

"The state of relations between Italy and the United Kingdom is excellent and I am sure that we will continue to develop a strong and reliable relationship of cooperation between our great countries in the interest of our citizens and in line with our common strategic goals&ldquo ;, Meloni stated.

She also thanked Starmer's predecessor, the Conservative Rishi Sunak, whom she called “her friend”, for the years of intense cooperation and sincere friendship that have strengthened ties between the two countries.

The leader of the Italian Democrats Ellie Schlein, who, unlike Meloni, is on the same political spectrum as Starmer, also congratulated him and said that a new cycle had begun in Britain. She called Starmer's and Labour's success extraordinary and wished them all the best in their endeavours.

The Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani called Starmer a “modern version of Tony Blair” and emphasized that the United Kingdom is a great ally of Italy. Tajani defined Starmer as a moderate representative of Labor and recalled that when they were led by Jeremy Corbyn, who was from the extreme left wing of the party, they were swept in the election by the Conservatives.

"Citizens want serious work, stability, they don't want scandals, they don't want intra-party quarrels. This is true for every country in the world“, Tajani added.

Donald Trump hailed Nigel Farage's success in becoming a British MP but refused to comment on new Prime Minister Keir Starmer as world leaders rushed to react to Labour's landslide victory in the generals elections, BNR reported.

The former US president posted on social media his support for the "Reform UK" leader. "Nigel is a man who truly loves his country," wrote Donald Trump.

Trump and Farage's friendship goes back a long time. However, Trump said nothing about Keir Starmer. Starmer is known to have said he hopes Joe Biden wins the US presidential election in November.

But commentary followed from Hillary Clinton, who said she hoped Starmer's victory was "an omen" for America, that the victory of the left in Britain is a hopeful sign that people like Donald Trump can be defeated across the Pacific.

"The New York Times" did not share Hillary Clinton's enthusiasm, writing that "the 61-year-old former human rights lawyer lacks the star power of some of his predecessors.

Emmanuel Macron was one of the first world leaders to congratulate Keir Starmer on the impressive victory. The French president, who has enough problems of his own, said he was very pleased with the first exchange of words with the new British prime minister.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has stressed his good relationship with Labor and that he looks forward to working with them.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine and the United Kingdom have been and will continue to be reliable allies in everything and that both countries will continue to protect and develop their common values of life, freedom and rules-based international order.