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Wang Yi: Unseen transformations for centuries bring hope for humanity

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pointed out that his government has lifted many people out of poverty in the country. Italy firmly supports multilateralism, said Giorgia Meloni at the Summit for the Future in New York

Sep 23, 2024 21:03 38

Wang Yi: Unseen transformations for centuries bring hope for humanity  - 1

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi participated today in the Summit for the Future, which is organized under the auspices of the General UN assembly in New York, BTA reported.

The theme of the forum is related to ideas and plans for the future of humanity and the world against the background of technological progress.

"The future holds the hope of human development with transformations unseen for centuries," said Wang Yi from the UN podium. "Humanity has only one planet and it is our common home," he added.

The diplomat talks about the initiatives in which China is involved, related to the future.

"China proposes to create a future built on equality," Wang Yi emphasized. "There is no country that can escape the risks and challenges of the time we live in,", he added.

"Countries do not sail in 190 separate boats, but sail together in one big ship on which our common destiny pursues us," said China's foreign minister. "However, this ship can weather storms," he pointed out.

According to him, big countries should serve as an example and be an anchor for international peace to build a future of prosperity.

He stated that the world should strive for "universal economic globalization and shared prosperity, for a future of justice in which all countries, large or small, are equal.

In his speech, he called for strengthening the rule of law.

"We must stop applying the laws of the jungle where the stronger prevails," Wang Yi said.

On the issue of artificial intelligence, which is one of the main topics of the meeting, Wang Yi said that the technological revolution creates new challenges and countries must find new ways of global governance.

"China supports the UN in being the main conduit for managing artificial intelligence," he said. "We must encourage creativity in young people and encourage them to contribute to humanity with it," said the diplomat.

The Summit for the Future aims to address challenges and gaps in global governance and revitalize the multilateral system with the United Nations at its core. As a result, a Pact for the Future was adopted, which includes as annexes the Declaration for Future Generations and the Global Digital Compact.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed satisfaction at speaking on behalf of the world's largest democracy and being the voice of 1.5 billion Indians at the United Nations.

"Our biggest priority as far as the global future is concerned is sustainable development, health and food security," he said.

The Indian Prime Minister pointed out that his government has lifted many people out of poverty in the country and India is ready to share its experience of success with the entire Global South.

"The success of humanity lies in our collective strength, not on the battlefield,", Modi emphasized.

In his words, the permanent membership of the African Union in the G-20 is an important step in this direction. According to Modi, "in discussing the global future, the highest priority should be given to a people-centric approach" and "prioritizing sustainable development to ensure human well-being, food and health security".

"While, on the one hand, terrorism continues to be a serious threat to world peace and security, on the other hand, areas such as cyberspace, sea and space are emerging as new theaters of conflict," the Indian Prime Minister pointed out.< /p>

He added that global actions must match global ambitions.

"We need balance, regulations at the global level related to the responsible use of technology. Digital infrastructure should be a bridge, not an obstacle," said the Indian leader.

He announced that his country is ready to share its digital infrastructure with all countries.

In conclusion, Modi assured that India will continue to work for the cause of "protecting the rights of all mankind and global prosperity".

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni spoke about the necessary efforts in the fight against climate change, economic challenges and military conflicts around the world.

"We live in times of crisis, we have no choice but to act," Meloni pointed out, adding that "crises give us the opportunity to make choices, take a stand and take action".

In her words, this can only happen through cooperation and common commitment.

"Italy strongly supports multilateralism," the Italian Prime Minister said. Meloni said the UN is the place where every voice is heard and all countries are called to respect and learn from each other.

Later in his speech from the rostrum, Meloni spoke about the need for reform in the UN and especially in the Security Council, but without violating the principles of democracy and equality.

"We are all born free and equal. We don't want new hierarchies," said the Italian leader.

As an example of Italy's efforts in the field of multilateralism, Meloni pointed to his country's plan for cooperation with countries in Africa, "based on respect and dignity".

"This is our way of development, stability and achieving the most important freedom - that of not having to immigrate," she said.

Regarding artificial intelligence, one of the main topics of the Future Summit, Meloni said that people are not sufficiently informed about what the technology can actually achieve and for what purposes it should be used.

"It is important that artificial intelligence is human-driven and human-directed. This is on Italy's agenda as a member of the G-7. But all these ideas must be turned into actions," concluded Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.