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Kolyo Paramov: The announcement of 20 new people under the scheme of the "Magnitsky" Global Act is imminent

Soon after the elections, it will become clear who is who in Bulgaria and how the first row in the Bulgarian parliament is occupied, said the former chief auditor of the BNB

Apr 24, 2024 16:41 1 155

Kolyo Paramov: The announcement of 20 new people under the scheme of the "Magnitsky" Global Act is imminent  - 1
< p>Unfortunately, this is the big truth of the last two or three years, that we are possibly the worst corruption scheme in the world, said Kolyo Paramov, former auditor of the BNB .

"This speaks for itself that things in the country were not organized at the level they should have been, and the pursuit of the goals of stability and for the future in a radically different plan were left out as an option. We need to note the most important thing: that we are currently installing the oligarchy to rule the politicians, and some of these oligarchs are in the parliament," Paramov added.

According to his words, the installation becomes quite legal, through elections, we convey to them the perfect importance, we design them, model them and put them in the parliament with an electoral move, in which we already occupy one of the first places of the manipulation effect as an election result. And on this we ensure the dependence of the rest of the people's representatives in the Bulgarian parliament.

"The unfortunate thing about all this work, as the State Department document points out, is that there is no state regulation, the state does not fulfill the functional link of being a direct, direct and complex pursuer of this whole process. I am firmly convinced that in the near future, through the RICO case, many people in Bulgaria will "light up". and even more so after what happened in the last two or three days regarding BIRD and the arrest of Dimitar Stoyanov. BIRD will present new facts and force the US and the State Department to intervene from the point of view of prosecuting corruption schemes in Bulgaria," Kolyo Paramov added.

He is sure that the announcement of 20 new people under the scheme of the "Magnitsky" Global Act is about to take place.

"And no matter how much Bulgarian MPs and MEPs say that "Magnitsky” didn't matter at all because it wasn't legal in terms of European law, it was just some prerogative of the American legal scheme, etc., I'm sure that what the US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen did in terms of tracking down these 20 people who have been declared before the American president, sooner or later, I think it will be at the earliest after the elections, it will become clear who, who is in Bulgaria, and in what way the front row in the Bulgarian parliament is occupied", added Paramov.

According to him, when they say how it is possible for Romania to have 17 ministers in prison and two prime ministers, and Bulgaria to have none for 35-36 years, then the connection becomes clear.

"There can't be 4,430 offshore companies, they can't have exported one GDP within 52-53 billion dollars abroad and you can't find that a few prosecutors and judges from Bulgaria have properties for two or three million euros in Greece. And that they constantly spend the whole summer there, and that they live quite richly and quite solidly organized, as it should be", said the financier.

According to him, with the Notary we reach the concepts of connections, of perfect payment of bribes.

"Not to mention Pepi Euroto's addictions, which have reached high judicial representatives and several representatives in the European Union in the European Court. And from here we already draw a conclusion why exactly our prosecutor's office cannot discover this, and at the same time managed to bankrupt KTB and for 10 years block the entire investigation process, as it pleases", the former chief auditor of the BNB also pointed out .