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In the Metropolitan Municipal Council: Blagovest Georgiev, who caused an accident and refused testing, is dismissed from all posts

The mayor, the chairman of the Municipal Council and municipal councilors demanded his resignation as early as April 6

Apr 25, 2024 07:24 159

In the Metropolitan Municipal Council: Blagovest Georgiev, who caused an accident and refused testing, is dismissed from all posts  - 1

The Metropolitan Municipal Council (MCC) is about to discuss the release of Blagovest Georgiev of all the positions held by him in the Council, it becomes known from a report published on the website of the Council, whose regular meeting begins today at 10:00 a.m.

The authors of the report are the chairman of the SOS Tsvetomir Petrov, the vice-chairman Boyko Dimitrov and the chairman of the group of "Continuing the change - Democratic Bulgaria" ("Save Sofia") Boris Bonev.

At the moment, Georgiev is a member of the Council's Committee on Transport and Road Safety, as well as the Committee on Sports and the Committee on Architecture. He is a member of both the Management Council of the Specialized Municipal Privatization Fund and the Regional Development Council of the Sofia Region.

On April 6, the mayor of Sofia, Vasil Terziev, the chairman of SOS Tsvetomir Petrov, municipal councilors demanded the resignation of Blagovest Georgiev, after the same day the Ministry of the Interior reported an accident in Sofia, in which the guilty driver fled the scene.

The incident was reported around 21:00 the previous day, and eyewitnesses reported that minutes earlier at the intersection of the streets “Dragan Tsankov“ and “Kyril Vidinsky“ passenger car “Audi” enters the oncoming lane and causes an accident with another vehicle. The driver did not stop and left the scene of the accident. Law enforcement authorities have established the identity of the 43-year-old driver. Before them, the man refused to be tested for the use of alcohol and narcotic substances.

The agenda of today's meeting also includes a report on the free acquisition by the state of the right to property on real estate - stadiums, buildings and other sports facilities.

SOS will also discuss increasing the capital of two municipal hospitals, as well as allowing them to receive a durable material asset.

Also on the agenda is the construction of a new kindergarten in the village of Negovan for two nurseries and two kindergarten groups.