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Ivan Takov: We have seen the absolute inability of the BSP leadership to unite and unify the left

At the moment, for these elections, there is an absolutely disorganized left on all lines. It will be at least 3 separate lists, which is extremely bad, said the socialist

Apr 25, 2024 08:35 72

Ivan Takov: We have seen the absolute inability of the BSP leadership to unite and unify the left  - 1

"I will always work for BSP - BSP is my party. The BSP was supposed to be the unifying force, it was supposed to be the glue for these 2 in 1 national elections. It is clearly not going to work. I am disappointed that the left is currently fractured in this general election".

This is what Ivan Takov - former chairman of the Sofia organization of the BSP and a municipal councilor in the SOS - commented before the BNR.

According to him, the internal split of the BSP is the party's biggest problem. The finding is very sad, he said and gave the example of Vratsa, an area that was referred to as a "red fortress", and now the party does not have a single mayor.

"How strong must an ambition be to sacrifice an idea for its own survival. Because BSP is an idea and an ideal for generations of socialists. This is a sad finding. This is bad for Bulgaria in general, because the big conversation is about the salvation of Bulgaria, and it goes through the salvation of the BSP and the salvation of the left. In this situation, we saw the absolute inability of the leadership of the BSP to unite and unify the left, which would be a clear counterpoint to everything that has been happening in the country in recent months," said Takov.

He is adamant that swarming to the left is not good. At the local elections in Sofia, we showed how the united left can win and move forward, stressed the municipal councilor.

"Right now, for this election, we see an absolutely shattered left on all lines. It will be at least 3 separate sheets, which is extremely bad," he thinks. Ivan Takov hopes Vanya Grigorova "does not play with anyone" after the election. I hope he will not back down from his principles and ideas, namely the protection of working Bulgarians, he pointed out.

According to him, the unification of the left must go through new faces and new ideas.

Our principles are clear and definite, the municipal councilor also noted and added: "We have presented them to our voters during the local elections. We have not backed down from them and we will not back down in our conduct of politics in the Metropolitan Municipal Council".

We do not support the views of one or another leader, he was also categorical. And he reminded of the manifesto with which they came out during the elections and in which there is a clear vision for the management of the city, as well as clear policies. We defend them and we have already implemented some of them, Takov emphasized and added: "We are working hard to protect all these. I think this mandate can become a successful mandate for the left in the SOS.

The former chairman of the Sofia organization of the BSP is surprised by Elena Yoncheva's decision to accept the DPS nomination as their candidate for MEP:

"Given the impossibility of continuing her work in the EP in any other way, she has apparently reached some kind of compromise for herself. I can't explain it in any other way.

People are skeptical, desperate, commented Takov in connection with the upcoming elections. According to him, these 9-10 months of assembly and disassembly have not brought anything positive for people's confidence. Therefore, according to him, the voter turnout will not be higher than that of the last parliamentary elections in April last year. It will be very difficult to regain the trust of voters, he believes. And expressed the opinion that voters will be lied to again:

"The requests "never with these", "never with those" they were also in the previous elections and we saw how they made an assembly and changed the vote of the voters. These requests are only election slips. You will see how very quickly after the election they will find some Euro-Atlanticism in their heart or some other similar reason to get together again and sit down at the table.