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Atanas Mangarov: Whooping cough epidemic? It's too much

This is a dangerous disease for newborns, infants and up to 2 years old. There is nothing wrong with a person with whooping cough, there is no fever, just a cough, commented the specialist in infectious diseases

Apr 26, 2024 18:42 323

 Atanas Mangarov: Whooping cough epidemic? It's too much  - 1

Declaring a whooping cough epidemic is exaggerated because none of the criteria has been met. The reason we are in this situation is that the new vaccine is not bad, with less side effects, but it is short-lived - for 4-5 years.

This was commented by Prof. Dr. Atanas Mangarov, specialist in infectious diseases and pediatrician, in an interview with BNR.

"A significant disadvantage is that it cannot create group immunity because it does not provide immunity to mucous membranes. Vaccinated people get mildly ill, but infect others. This vaccine was introduced in 2007 – the year 2010. The old vaccine is difficult to return. The only country in the EU that has kept its cell vaccine for whooping cough is Poland, and the state is providing it from the new one", commented Assoc. Mangerov.

He said that he currently has four children in the hospital, but three have unproven whooping cough. Since the beginning of March, there have been 25 – 30 children with whooping cough.

"This is a dangerous disease for newborns, infants and up to 2 years old. There is nothing human about whooping cough, there is no fever, just a cough and the attacks can last up to 10 minutes. They often end with a sudden prolonged intake of breath with a specific sound like a donkey or a crow.

In young children, it can lead to respiratory arrest and brain hemorrhage, because intracranial pressure increases during coughing fits. Pertussis toxin irritates the bone marrow and increases white blood cells. And a child who coughs and has high lymphocytes, most likely has whooping cough," explained Assoc. Mangerov.

And added:

"Now pregnant women will be vaccinated and these antibodies in them will to some extent hinder the effect of the vaccine. In my opinion, it is best not to make hasty changes. For the time being, newborns should isolate themselves from large social contacts until they become vaccinated, and the whole family should not gather at the time of discharge.

Assoc. Mangarov commented that pregnant women, if they want to be vaccinated, can do so, "it is safe, but it is even better when they plan to get pregnant, to get vaccinated beforehand.

"The antibodies remain and are transferred to the baby", the doctor is categorical.

Herd immunity will be created when whooping cough passes through the entire population, said Assoc. Mangerov.