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The official cabinet opened the bag of money and distributed nearly 200 million BGN for salaries of officials

First of all, 20 million BGN is given to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the list includes KONPI, State Reserve, CPC and CEM

Apr 26, 2024 19:42 111

The official cabinet opened the bag of money and distributed nearly 200 million BGN for salaries of officials  - 1

The government approved additional expenses under the budget of ministries and departments. The goal is to overcome disparities in staff remuneration in budgetary organizations, including to increase staff remuneration, with the funds being provided at the expense of the planned costs of the central budget for 2024.

The funds approved are as follows:
- According to the budget of the State Agency “State Reserve and Wartime Stocks” - BGN 1,498,346
- On the budget of the National Statistical Institute – BGN 2,461,790
- On the budget of the Commission for the Protection of Competition – BGN 354,186
- On the budget of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency – BGN 375,931
- On the budget of the State Commission on Information Security – BGN 662,435
- On the budget of the Commission for disclosure of documents and for declaring the affiliation of Bulgarian citizens to the State Security and Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian People's Army – BGN 252,423
- On the budget of the Council for Electronic Media – BGN 184,284
- On the budget of the Commission for Public Supervision of Registered Auditors – BGN 91,067
- On the budget of the Commission for the Regulation of Communications – BGN 706,377
- On the budget of the Anti-Corruption Commission – BGN 4,417,200
- On the budget of the Commission for Confiscation of Illegally Acquired Property – BGN 713,271
- According to the budget of the Ministry of Finance – BGN 39,191,006
- On the budget of the Commission for Personal Data Protection – BGN 274,603
- On the budget of the Ministry of Health – BGN 29,083,010
- According to the budget of the National Health Insurance Fund – BGN 7,285,114
- On the budget of the Ministry of Education and Science – BGN 3,428,162 - According to the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works – BGN 8,667,526
- On the budget of the Ministry of Innovation and Growth – BGN 638,735
- According to the budget of the Ministry of Energy – BGN 766,051
- On the budget of the Ministry of Tourism – BGN 319,929
- On the budget of the Ministry of Transport and Communications – BGN 3,652,897
- On the budget of the state social insurance (NOI) – BGN 11,174,285
- On the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – BGN 67,646,357
- According to the budget of the Council of Ministers – BGN 11,544,808 - According to the budget of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2024. The funds in the amount of BGN 20,000,000 are for current repairs of buildings in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.