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Rosen Hristov: For the whole of 2023, the paid and unused capacity with the company "Botash" is for 35 million euros

In the report of the committee in the parliament there are mainly lies and manipulations, said the former minister of energy

Apr 26, 2024 21:31 192

Rosen Hristov: For the whole of 2023, the paid and unused capacity with the company "Botash" is for 35 million euros  - 1

„The inspection of the parliament for the contract between “Bulgargaz” and the Turkish company “Botash” can be defined as political persecution. Parliament cannot usurp the functions of the judiciary. I'm glad that this in parliament is over and it's going to institutions that have the capacity to actually investigate what's going on and this whole scam will finally see the light of day.

This is what Rosen Hristov - the former Minister of Energy in the caretaker government of Galab Donev - said on NOVA NEWS in connection with the case surrounding the “Bulgargaz” contract. with the Turkish company “Botash” for liquefied gas unloading and delivery capacity.

According to him, the investigation by the European Commission and the European Prosecutor's Office is "a complete sham – The European Prosecutor's Office deals exclusively and only with violations related to the use of European funds, they do not have the competence to deal with other things, explained the former minister.

„After it has been transferred to the institutions, I have the right to respond and including to sue the state”, said the former acting Minister of Energy.

„In the report of the commission in the parliament there are mainly lies and manipulations. They have this information that I have and much more because I am no longer a sitting minister. For the entire year 2023, the paid and unused capacity with the company “Botash” is for 35 million euros. This is in the annual report of “Bulgargaz”, he also said and added that he accuses the people's representatives of lying.

„Basically, „Bulgargaz” there must be overcapacity. But “Botash” was pushed out of the market by Russian gas traders. “Botash” has not sold a single drop of gas on the Bulgarian market. “Botash” does not have a license issued by KEVR to trade on the Bulgarian market and cannot sell to Bulgarian customers. Traders can push “Bulgargaz” from the market only if they sell cheaper gas. "The cheapest gas in the world is only from Russia," commented the former acting minister.

„Bulgargaz” ends the year with a small operating profit, almost zero, but a positive result. After that, there was a devaluation for several hundred million of the gas located in “Chiren”. From this the company will end up at a loss, not from the fact that it is doing business. The operating result of “Bulgargaz” ends in a plus”, he explained.

„The caretaker government did not conclude a contract. The other lie is that the treaty was not approved by all ministers. If the contract goes through the Council of Ministers, there is no way that it did not go through all the ministers. In order to enter the Council of Ministers, a conciliation procedure goes through, if a minister thinks that he did not agree, he must say “stop” at a meeting of the Council of Ministers. The Ministry of Energy sends all the ministries the materials, after they have been approved they go to the Council of Ministers and there the secretary decides whether this item should be included in the meeting. That is why it is being discussed at a regular meeting, Hristov also said.

„Russian gas flows to Europe via several main gas pipelines, including Turk Stream – the Turkey part – Russia. “Balkan Stream” is the part that is in Bulgaria. The contract with “Botash” it's just the opposite. It is the door to gas from Europe, the USA and other world producers and closes the door to Russia, because only quantities that we have bought from someone can pass through this contract. Bulgaria decides. Turkey has no influence on what gas we will buy and bring to Turkey. This is the responsibility of “Bulgargaz”. The fact that the gas entering must be Turkish, this is technical invoicing, added the former acting minister.

„The President and I, as a minister, provided political support so that “Botash” to negotiate the contract. I.e. of “Botash” he was prohibited from negotiating with anyone for access to Turkish terminals, as they considered this a way to ensure their national and energy security. We explained that being a partner of Bulgaria and Europe and opening the door for non-Russian gas to Europe, it brings them more benefits than the risk that in the event of a disruption of their supplies they would need all the terminals, plus the small amount that we have agreed. This convinced Turkey to start negotiations, from then on they were conducted on a commercial level. “Bulgargaz” with “Botash” they are commercial companies. The political and commercial roles are absolutely separated in these negotiations," he added.

„If you see who is attacking the contract for “Botash”, you will immediately understand that it is not about Russian gas. He is being attacked by "Vazrazhdane", BSP. He is attacked by “We continue the change”, who work with Russian intermediaries. The European Commission, if there was something wrong with this contract, wouldn't it have ruled if there was something fundamentally wrong. At every meeting, I call for the intervention of an independent expert, international, consultants who have been dealing with gas trading all their lives. How could a real expert not be found to attack him”, he added.