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In March 2024: The Metropolitan Municipality pays BGN 433,321 per day for garbage collection and cleaning

Compared to the first quarter of 2023, more revenues are reported from household waste tax, motor vehicle tax and other fees and charges

Apr 30, 2024 09:42 226

In March 2024: The Metropolitan Municipality pays BGN 433,321 per day for garbage collection and cleaning  - 1

The payments made in March 2024 amount to nearly BGN 81.1 million, reports the Deputy Mayor for Finance of the Capital Municipality Ivan Vassilev, quoted by BNR.

Following the policy of transparency, the Municipality publishes the expenditure for the following month, for which the data is summarized.

The largest part of the expenses is for transport - over 40%, the second place is for the collection and processing of waste - BGN 13.4 million.

The capital municipality has set limits for financing payments of expenses to the regional administrations for BGN 96.9 million, and BGN 25.2 million to secondary and tertiary allocators of funds – municipal directorates and enterprises.

Compared to the first quarter of 2023, more revenues are reported from household waste tax, vehicle tax and other fees and charges.