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GERB-SDS will say tomorrow morning who is their nominee for the Speaker of the National Assembly

The only sure thing at this moment is that GERB-SDS want to form a government and take responsibility, but support has not been given to 100% of DPS and ITN. stated Denitsa Sacheva

Jun 18, 2024 15:19 90

GERB-SDS will say tomorrow morning who is their nominee for the Speaker of the National Assembly  - 1

The only certain thing at this moment is that GERB - SDS want to form a government and take responsibility, but support has not been given to 100% of DPS and ITN, said to the media Denitsa Sacheva from GERB-SDS, a reporter reported.

"At this point, inaction and pretty talk won't work,", she reminded.

Tomorrow morning, the nomination of GERB - SDS for the Speaker of the National Assembly will be broadcast, Denitsa Sacheva also said.