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Asen Vassilev: GERB spit on us that we can't do anything. And now they want our support for a cabinet

Worse, having created the chaos, now they can't bring order to it. In the last three years, GERB has provoked elections five times by refusing to form governments. Apparently now we will go to the sixth election because of them, commented the former finance minister

Jun 19, 2024 12:40 117

Asen Vassilev: GERB spit on us that we can't do anything. And now they want our support for a cabinet - 1

" GERD are slightly schizophrenic. They spit on us that we can't do anything and that we have brought the country into a crisis, and now they want our support for a government. This is not serious. Worse, having created the chaos, they now cannot bring order to it. In the last three years, GERB has provoked elections five times by refusing to form governments. Apparently now we will go to the sixth election because of them". This is what Asen Vassilev said at a briefing in the parliament after the unsuccessful election of the Speaker of the National Assembly, quoted by

"I want to state the four main laws that we believe should be passed by this Parliament immediately. The first is the Judiciary Act. This is an Act under the PVA and is extremely important because it guarantees a fair and transparent election of the members of the SJC. The other law, which is important for almost 1 million Bulgarian citizens, is the one on personal bankruptcy. We are the only country in the EU without such a law. There is an eternal debtor in Bulgaria and he is harassed by the collection companies. The third important law is the one for the protection of whistleblowers. The fourth law is about the anti-corruption commission's selection rules, which will guarantee clear and transparent competitions, the former finance minister revealed