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Prof. Bliznashki: Hristo Ivanov saved Borisov's penalty in the bottom right corner

"It's like Raya Nazaryan is the queen for whom the Trojan War is being fought - but you will understand each other and agree on the positions" - explained the former caretaker prime minister

Jun 20, 2024 09:37 76

Prof. Bliznashki: Hristo Ivanov saved Borisov's penalty in the bottom right corner  - 1

"You here vote for the simpletons and you get the simpleton rule". This was stated by the constitutionalist and former acting Prime Minister Prof. Georgi Bliznashki to BNT.

"It is as if Raya Nazaryan is the queen for whom the Trojan War is being fought - but you will understand each other and agree on the positions - explained the former acting prime minister, quoted by

"I am furious about the assembly, why doesn't Borisov dare to head the government, why doesn't he take responsibility, why is he preparing some figures to pull their strings, to search for him three times a day. It can be seen that there is wear and tear, Borisov must act statesmanically, wisely, another formula is needed, because the drama is catastrophic."

For him, assembly is not a solution either: "You lose the elections and get all the power under pressure from outside".

The moment is critical - with one more election, the system will collapse. I would not be surprised if DPS becomes the first political force, summed up Prof. Bliznashki.

A presidential republic will have catastrophic consequences for Bulgaria - a solution must be found here and now, it doesn't really matter who is the speaker of the parliament, said the professor: "The end has not come, the horrors are yet to come.

He believes that the resignation of Hristo Ivanov is a very heavy blow for Boyko Borisov: "Hristo Ivanov would have saved his penalty in the lower right corner". According to the professor, Ivanov deceived for 10 years in order to politicize the judicial system.