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Two recesses in less than an hour: The election of the speaker of the parliament is in a loop again

Yesterday, the first session of the 50th parliament was interrupted, as the deputies failed to elect a speaker of the parliament

Jun 20, 2024 11:13 63

Two recesses in less than an hour: The election of the speaker of the parliament is in a loop again  - 1

The first session of the 50- The National Assembly resumed today at 10:00 a.m. Minutes after the start, the deputies went into a 30-minute break, and after that into a new 25-minute break, bTV reports.
The oldest member of parliament present, Silvi Kirilov from “There is such a people”, who chaired the meeting, suggested that they first re-adopt the procedural rules for election, then make nominations and hold a vote.
Hamid Hamid (DPS) objected that we cannot re-adopt already adopted rules. We have to continue the nomination process, he said.
In response, Kirilov explained that his proposal was based on legal consultations. Nothing prevents us from accepting the rules again and starting the procedure from the beginning, he pointed out.
DPS then requested and was granted a 30 minute break to clarify this matter. After her, the deputies gathered again in the plenary hall.

After two minutes, they went into another 25-minute break to hold consultations on how today's election should proceed. And so the third attempt to elect the Speaker of the National Assembly failed again.
Yesterday, the first session of the 50th Parliament was interrupted as MPs failed to elect a Speaker of the Parliament.