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Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) removed the limits for financing the domestic military-industrial complex

Support for a strategic industry

Jun 25, 2024 16:49 104

Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) removed the limits for financing the domestic military-industrial complex  - 1

The Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) starts "unlimited" financing of the defense industry in our country. The possibilities of obtaining credit and guarantees were presented to the Bulgarian arms companies. The military-industrial complex is a strategic industry for Bulgaria.

This was announced by the acting Minister of Innovation and Growth, Rosen Karadimov.

Without specific details about the potential credit lines and guarantees, the acting minister Rosen Karadimov announced:

"The military-industrial complex is a strategic sector for Bulgaria and it would be national nihilism not to serve Bulgaria's military-industrial complex at a time when it is the engine of economic growth.

In the strategy adopted by the BBR Council of Ministers, "the overall banking service of the military-industrial complex is assigned without limitation, without limits, emphasizing that here both state and private enterprises are treated equally, but only manufacturers, not and traders", he pointed out.

When asked whether certain projects will be prioritized, such as, for example, higher production for Ukraine, Rosen Karadimov replied:

"The bank will look at each specific loan that comes and according to its objectives, but in any case as a ministry, the very fact that we will speed up access to the NATO Innovation Fund should speak for itself" .

Kalin Dimitrov, executive director of "Terem", explained that the complex works on numerous projects, including with Ukrainian partners.

To a question – whether Ukrainian military equipment is being repaired in our country, Dimitrov answered:

"No, no such requests for repair of Ukrainian military equipment have been submitted yet. The main reason is, in my opinion, that the capabilities of Ukraine itself to repair its own equipment are large enough for the moment.

The complex works primarily on the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, but this is only one of the production sectors, added Dimitrov.